Q: Will this Sanitizer kill specific germs?
A: There is no way to guarantee that any chemical at this point will kill anything specific, in most part due to the lack of testing available with anything new and evolving. We can only base the effectiveness on similar germs or viruses and what can be used to combat them. This amount has been set to anything over 60% alcohol by the federal entities. You can read more about this
Q: How is the alcohol denatured?
A: Base-Guard™ Hand Sanitizer Denatured Alcohol DOES NOT contain Methanol [Wood Alcohol] or any other petroleum based Products and is denatured using only a bittering agent with accordance to federal guidance.
Q: Is this Sanitizer safe for my hands?
A: YES! Base-Guard™ Hand Sanitizer is a distributor of USP Food Grade Glycerin and Glycols. This is the ingredient in Hand Sanitizers that acts as a moisturizer for skin. It is similar to the hand sanitizers you would have in dispensers around cruise ships, theme parks and hospitals.
Q: What is the consistency of this Sanitizer?
A: This is not a gel based formula. We are following the WHO recommended formulation which does not use an emulsifier. It is watery and designed to use in a Spray bottle.
Q: Does this Sanitizer have any odors or fragrance in it?
A: Base-Guard™ hand sanitizer is made to exact WHO recommendations. Because of this, you may notice a smell you aren’t used to when using this product. We assure you that this mix is as effective if not more effective than your typical sanitizers, as it contains 80%+ SDA-40b ethyl alcohol. Many other brands opt to add fragrances and other additives to their formula, but we have chosen to use only WHO recommended ingredients at this time. This is a quick-evaporating formula, so there should be minimal scent left after a few seconds. Other brands of sanitizer usually contain citrus scent additives, so if you would like, you may choose to add your own essential oils or fragrance to your mix to achieve similar results. *
*Be advised that any additions to this formula cannot be guaranteed as safe for your skin and may alter the effectiveness of the sanitizer.
Q: What is the WHO Recommended Formulation?
A: The WHO Recommended Formulation for Local Production outlines what guidelines manufacturers must follow in order to state that they meet WHO recommended levels. You can find more information about it
here. This formulation requires at least 60% alcohol to be strong enough to be distributed. Base-Guard™ Sanitizer exceeds this and is greater than 80%.
Q: Do you accept bulk orders.