SanitizeFX™ Refunds

Thank You for your purchase with SanitizeFX™

To start a return through our returns & refunds process, please read, and CHECK, all items below.
I have read, and understand, all product information for the specific product I intend to return, prior to purchasing and prior to requesting a refund. ​(Product information is listed on the SanitizeFX™ website for public view. This information was shown prior to any email address entry or pricing options on the SanitizeFX™ website.)
I have read, and understand, the entire SanitizeFX™ "Return Policy" located at the footer of every page on the SanitizeFX™ website.
I have read, and understand, the entire SanitizeFX™ "Terms & Conditions Policy" located at the footer of every page on the SanitizeFX™ website.
I understand that specific products, such as Sanitizer or related product types, are unable to be refunded under United States Federal Law. Furthermore, I understand by asking, or demanding, SanitizeFX™ to refund Sanitizer or related products, I am asking, or demanding, SanitizeFX™ to commit an illegal act under the Federal Laws of the United States. Demanding, or requesting, such action of SanitizeFX™ constitutes engagement illegal activity by the requestor.
Thank You for your purchase with SanitizeFX™

Unfortunately we are unable to offer a Return or Refund Authorization.
All returns & refunds MUST include an RMA number. Please complete the following to receive an RMA number:
Note: All customer information should match the original purchase, including: name, email, address, and product. Should the information not match, the application for refund & return will be rejected.
Product Requesting Returned & Refunded:
(Products not listed are NOT available for return per United States Federal Laws which SanitizeFX™ 100% fully cooperates with.)
Number of Products Requesting Refunded:
Reason For Refund Request:
Explain Details For Reason For Refund Request Above:
I understand ALL items to be returned & refunded MUST be unused, free from damage, in the original undamaged packaging (specific items in USPS flat rate envelope exception), and include ALL included accessories to qualify for refund.
I understand that ALL items to be returned & refunded MUST not contain any liquid inside the tanks, nozzles, or other parts of the product prior to shipping any items to SanitizeFX™. (All items with liquid on packaging will be rejected and not be accepted by SanitizeFX™)
I understand SanitizeFX™ may charge a sterilization fee per product, for any product returned, as part of internal operating procedures to remain compliant with Federal and/or Local Laws. Any fee will be deducted from the total amount returned.
I understand SanitizeFX™ may charge a restocking fee per product, for specific products returned. Any fee will be deducted from the total amount returned. You will be notified of this fee, should it apply, prior to return & refund.
I understand SanitizeFX™ does not provide return shipping on any product. In the unique event a label is provided, detailed instructions will be included prior to any return.
I understand I have read and agree with all items above and would like to submit my information for a return & refund request.
ALL fields MUST be completed to SUBMIT.
SanitizeFX™ Global Headquarters
San Diego, CA 92120
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